Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hilltoppers (pic)

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
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St. Raphael's Edges Kingsmen

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on image to enhance)

East Tops Midwest At Selden Show

By Rosemary Feliney
DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue

Torrington Vagabonds (pic)

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on image to enlarge)

Dream Breakdown Jrs.

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on image to enhance)

Seattle Thunderbirds (pic)

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
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Slingerland (ad)

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on image to enhance)

Skokie Indians, Kilties Win

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue

Caballeros At Dream (pic)

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on image to enhance)

'Dream' Judging Blasted

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on images to enhance)

Hits Fan Behavior At Dream

Letters To The Editor
DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on images to enhance)

Dream Or Nightmare?

Letters To The Editor
DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue

Boosts Sokokie Chiefs

Letters To The Editor
DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue

Needed - A Universal Score Sheet

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on image to enhance)

Drum Corps News Staff

September 4, 1963 issue

Drums On Parade (ad)

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue

Norwood Park Imperials (pic)

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on image to enlarge)

Opti Wins Titusville Music In Motion

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue
(click on images)

Great Northern Hotel (ad)

DCN Sept. 4, 1963 issue