Monday, March 27, 2006

Optimists Upset Senior Pittsburgh Rockets
By Fay & Francis O'Donnell
DCN Aug. 29, 1962 issue

TITUSVILLE, Pa., Aug. 18 - A crowd of approximately 3,000 gathered here tonight to witness the fourth annual MUSIC IN MOTION presented by the Lions Club of Titusville for the benefit of their Save-An-Eye Fund.

Last year's Champions, Pittsburgh Rockets, scored 82.23. However, Toronto Optimists topped this by 1.65 to be named the 1962 Champions.

From the opener "Big Wide Wonderful World" to the ending "The Party's Over", the Optimists had the crowd with them every inch of the way. This is one time that the paying public heartily agreed with the Pa. All-American Judges decision for top spot! New and so effective is the use of fixed bayonets----one of the riflemen slashed the shirt sleeve of one of the others during presentation. The combination of music, "I Believe" and drill pattern for color presentation is so inspirational that it must be seen to be appreciated. Joe Gianna and Doug McKenzie are high on the popularity list as soloists as far as the Titusville folks are concerned. Must remember to mention that --- Jimmy McC. was attired in black and silver for this contest.

What a difference 2 years make! You would never believe that Hamburg Kingsmen are the same corps that appeared in Latrobe several seasons ago! Everything has been changed except the name....This is one of the corps where the guard is integrated into the drill and the flag bearers function similar to guidons part of the time. Riflemen are featured in a session of exchanges, manuals, and spins during "Ghost Riders In The Sky". Part of concert "My Heart Stood Still" has a spinning cymbalyst with a second portion featuring two soloists in "Stomping at the Savoy". The Kingsmen scored 77.50 for third place.

Close on Hamburg Kingsmen's heels, Esquires scored 76.48 to be the number four corps of the night. Esquires have added interest in their concert of "Lover Come Back To Me" in the form of a solo. As usual both "Stars and Stripes" and "Rags to Riches" were well received. At retreat Bill Urban from color guard accepted the score sheets for the corps.

Scoring a 70.59, Flying Dutchmen placed fifth. Altho they are last place corps as far as scoring, they rated high on the popularity list. The military appearance of this corps impressed most everyone. This coupled with an open drill and easily recognized music makes a pleasant showing. Enjoyed most is the "Cocktails For 2" and "Frankie and Johnny" concert presentation, "A Mighty Fortress is our Lord", is impressive.

Titusville's neighbors (about 25 miles distant) the Thunderbirds provided the exhibition. Just about the biggest hit of their entire show proved to be the solo and cymbal bit during "In The Mood" portion of concert. The T-birds were out in force at least as far as color guard was concerned. This is the first time this season we remember seeing a full complement in guard and might we say that it looks fine....

After this, the fourth Music In Motion, we would like to give a vote of thanks and good job-well done to Titusville Lions and the contest co-ordinator, Bill Lupher. May the fifth one be even better and more successful!

Legion Nationals Tickets Available
Drum Corps News Aug. 8, 1962

LAS VEGAS, Nev., July 16 - Tickets are now available for the senior drum and bugle corps finals, the junior drum and bugle corps finals, and the big convention parade.... all to be held here during The American Legion's 44th National Convention, Oct. 5-11, the 1962 Convention Corporation has announced.

Tickets for the junior drum and bugle corps final contest, to be held at Cashman Field Stadium, Saturday, Oct. 6, at 7:00 p.m., are priced at $1.50 each. The tickets for the big convention parade scheduled for Monday, Oct. 8, are $1.00 each.

Both reserved and general admission seats are available for the 1962 "Parade of Champions" -- senior drum and bugle corps finals -- to be held at Cashman Field Stadium on Sunday, Oct. 7 starting at 7:00 p.m. Box seats are priced at $4.50 and $4.00, reserved seats at $3.50 and general admission seats at $2.00. A coupon good for 50 cents on any of these admissions will be available in each official National Convention program. There will be no coupons applicable for the junior drum and bugle corps finals and the convention parade.

Legionnaires planning to attend the "Parade of Champions" are advised to order their tickets by mail now. Those wishing to take advantage of the advanced ticket sale will not be required to produce the discount coupon in order to receive the 50 cents per ticket reduction.

For the big show in Miami Beach, Fla., in 1960, there were 75,000 tickets available and in Denver Colo., last year there were 20,000 seats. This year there are only 15,000 seats and they will be sold on a first come, first served, basis.

Checks should accompany all orders, be made payable to The American Legion 1962 Convention Corporation, and drawn in the appropriate amount taking the 50 cent coupon reduction into consideration. Mail orders to: The American Legion 1962 Convention Corporation, Thunderbird Hotel, 2755 Las Vegas Blvd. So., Las Vegas, Nev.

Parade World
By Harvey Berish
DCN Aug. 8, 1962

Happiness has returned to those of us in the Bronx with the first competitive appearance of our famous KINGSMEN....As many of you know they had a serious loss of personnel just prior to their first contest....however, lot's of patching up was done which included a one week wonder drill, whipped up by Carmen Cluna and the corps is again on its feet. Look for them at the State contest this season, they may retain their top 5 position. (And they came up from 15 to 5 in one year)..

The Floral Park Mainliners have written to tell me that they recently captured the Nassau County American Legion Championship and also ran off with top prize in the Nassau County Convention parade. Artie Hartman, the MAINLINERS' able manager, has also informed me that they have a good set of Gretsch drums for sale at a steal of a price, so all of you interested are invited to inquire about it from Art at the Floral Park, N.Y. , A.L. Post 334.

A comment on the great job the Braintree Drum Corps organization is doing....The Warriors, Braves and Tomahawks have quite a fine reputation in their area and a real solid Public Relations staff. Charles Flagg sent me the photo of the "feeder corps", known as the Tomahawks...looks like the Braintree area will have corps to come for many years. I will soon have a complete feature on the Braintree organization. But I want to thank them and congratulate them on the good job they are doing for corps promotion.

Speaking of corps promotion...... Looks like the U.S. Congress had too many other things on their mind for us this let's not lose spirit.....let us instead work harder to achieve national and official recognition in the's bound to come and I want to be a part of it when it happens!

My feature was to have been the Meridian Woodpeckers famous Fife and Drum Corps; however, Mr. Gilmore has requested more time and so I'll have to hold off on this for a while.

A note from Mrs. Andros of the St. George Corps in Massachusetts was most welcome.....the corps up there is progressing and they'll probably be down to join us again at the Greek Parade next year....I do hope that at that time, I'll get to meet her.....This year, I was so busy helping to coordinate the parade, I missed meeting her.

Thanks to Bob Freese of the Andrew Sabres Drum Corps for the post card from France. The Sabres won the Parade prize over 74 other units and I hope that someone in the corps was able to note any amateur musical units from other countries.... I have a hobby of writing to a few of them and I have received answers from corps in Mexico, Brazil, Sweden, Switzerland, France and Israel; also, one from Sierra Leone, Africa.

Also, thanks to Clyde Lower of Keene, New Hampshire for his letter concerning my recent column on the Lockport Illinois High School Band's visit to New York.....No, Clyde, I was not criticising the musical ability of the band....but, rather, the way in which our city officials went all out to honor an out-of-town musical group that had been here to advertise a product. When it comes to patting our own kids on the back, they are always too busy....However, someday soon, this situation will change....We are being noticed in some areas of New York and it's bound to happen soon.

Congrats to St. Rose of Lima's Imperial Lancers of Newark for the nice show they did in the parade for the opening of the new city hall in Garwood....I was able to catch a glimpse just as they pulled by. Here's a corps I predicted big things for 2 years ago....Watch them climb!

To put something into my column in an unusual vein, I'd like to comment on the Hershey show, which I did not attend, but which I heard and read about extensively in the past few weeks. I say what is done is done... However, I would hope that in the future, competent persons and alert judges might be able to rectify a situation such as the one that resulted.... I doubt whether many of the corps that appeared this year would be willing to go back here if they thought the same type of situation might result...One more comment....Only a few years back, there probably would have been an all out riot....but, thanks to the new breed of corpsmen, the results were analyzed and discussed in an intelligent mannor...Let's hope that the Skyliners, still in my opinion a great and powerful corps, will always act in the best of taste....I believe they acted right in this case and I am one of those who would back them on this, and I certainly feel many corps people are with me.....One thing we don't need is a farce or a comical contest at this stage...we are still developing and we must still prove our worth as a new medium of show business...My hat's off to the Big Town Men and the way in which they filed off...better they should entertain a crowd, then charge wildly at their tormentors.

Well, time to sign off....

"Winky" Walt Winkleman

Drum Corps News Aug. 8, 1962

SKYLINER MAJOR Walt Winkleman receives the 1st place trophy at the June 30 "Dream Corps on Parade" show at Milford, Conn. from Miss Milford, Mary Lou Walkinshaw, and Milford Mayor Charles R. Iovino. (Photo by Maurice D. Knox, Jr.)

Ed Rooney's

DCN Aug. 8, 1962

COLUMNISTS CAROUSEL - - Already we're going to start yr day off with a joyous note - - Without doubt you've heard about the recent BLESSED SAC - GARFIELD fracus, well, F'get it! They've kissed and made up and everything in North Jersey is back to serenity ...... And we're also happy to report that the extra hours put in by WILF BLUM and PAUL BAUER have NOT been in vain -- Seems the SCOUTHOUSE scores have been climbing up and UP each time out -- and we'll sure be happy to welcome them back to the top of the fold and soon.......To yr list of MUCH improved corps, add the name of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION "Reveries" - They've just finished 'knocking-over' the CAMBRIDGE CABALLEROS and have now set their guns toward KEVINS --- hevvvvvvins!.........That HY DRITZER's a busy one----- to date we count 20 songs being played by a variety of corps ---- all from the pen of clever HY (and that DOESn't include those 'clipped' by well meaning (???) instructors from FLEETWOOD, RICHMOND etc. discs).........FREVINSAKES!.......Wots this about Florida's GOLDCOASTERS (who are Minneapolis bound) using their wives and sweeties as color guardears -- Does this fit in with Nat'l rules???........If bands are yr cup of tea (you saw Beantown's ST. WILLIAM"S at last yrs. DREAM) wait'll you see the same area's ST. AGNES........... Despite doctors orders to slow down, ole faithful BOB BOYLE is still in their giving his 'all' to BLESSED SACRAMENT quarter master duties (he's one of FR GARNER's greatest assets)........ ED FITZGERALD and TOMMY McDONOUGH putting much time and effort into Brooklyn's up-and-coming RIDGEMEN --- Fellow colomist JACK DEACY is the veddy happy drum major fr the group....... Long range plans are in the works fr a new Senior corps in the Boston area (but not until 1964) -- Understand there'll be instructors from 3 local Jr. outfits cracking-the-whip........... Much talk wayyyyyy down South about a Jr. corps raiding the other struggling units of the sector --- Promises of long trips etc. etc as the bait ---- But let's face it sweeties, we ALL have our problems.......... and my problem is how to get you to finish reading this column without falling asleep, so WAKE UP and let's march on to section two.

The OPTIMISTs are veddy gleeful since their victory over BLESSED SACRAMENT at Rome, NYork........ ALL AMERICAN conclave set fr Nov. 2-4 at Rochester....... And we're happy to report that GARFIELD will -- that's wot we said - WILL - be at this yrs DREAM......... NORWOOD PKs very fast and dif'rnt drill a RICK MAASterpiece...........DON ANGELICA readying his trousseau fr the coming 'walk down the aisle' and he's soooooooooooooo nervous!...... BOB BARRETT (ex Major at ST. MARYs - Beverly) will be ordained to the priesthood come February)......The DEBONAIRES have stepped into # 1 spot amongNEngland's all-gal outfits --- They're now ready to chase the AUDUBON loverleeees over the starting line.....Many ST. VINNIE guys in the WOODSIDER line-up.........KEVINs cutie-concertime-major CAROL FOLEY due to defend her VFW Nat'l Major title at Minneapolis........ RUSS BELL's decision to step down from the HAWKS drivers seat hasn't dampened his enthusiasm for this fast-moving corps...... Loveable ole' DAVE SHAW has talked his Uncle Sam into giving him a slight furlough at nationals-time --- Leave it to DAVIE!..... The OPTIMISTS morale up 100% due to their win over BLESSED SACRAMENT at Rome NYork..... KEVINS new Mass. Legion champs........Many midwesterners see the CAVALIERS topping the Chicago lineup at the VFW Nat'ls but the loyal ROYALAIRE rooters (and some optimistic NORWOOD PKers) are pooh-poohing the very thought....... And talk about rushing the season --- One live-wire Jr. corps has already sent out invites to its 1963 Individuals show..... The MONARCHS (Pittsfield, Mass.), a new Jr. outfit, is due for happy headlines if they keep going at their present pace.....And the PRESIDENTS, from Greenville, Tenn. suh!, are looking and sounding miiiiiiighty fine........ YANKEE REBELS will be in the DREAM line-up along with ARCHIE, REILLY, HAWTHORNE and the SKYLINERS...... Never saw so many Juniors SOOOooo ready for a Nat'ls as we have in the VFW roster ---- Wotta show it should be!.......Latest edition of the Hamilton OPTIMISTS "Expression" takes on a very professional appearance....... 'SCOTTY' CHAPPEL has returned to the PRINCEMEN fold after yrs and yrs and yrs...... Jersey VFW State scores oooooofly close ---- GARFIELD: 86.90 and BLESSED SACRAMENT: 86.10 (The big G was top in everything but drums)........Better behave at the VFW Nat'l as yr fav'rit ole colyumist will be looking fr ALL sorts of juicy gossip fr next month's column (If yr thinking of doing anything newsworthy, make sure we're around to see it)......... And we just CAN't sign off 'til we tell you about a sign we saw at a recent contest --- "All children NOT in arms MUST have tickets" ----- and doesn't that conjure up a picture of a mother staggering up to the box-office with her 16-yr old son in her arms ---No! Sorry!-----See you creatures at Minneapolis.

Madison Walks Off With Fantasia Show
By Lee Stoffel
DCN Aug. 8, 1962

Austin, Minn., July 16 - The Madison Scouts walked off with the Fantasia contest here today, combines a smooth drill and superb music to defeat their nearest competitor, the St. Matthias Cadets, by nearly 11 points.

The scores:
Madison Scouts - 84.6
St. Matthias Cadets - 73.9
Eau Claire Boys - 73.7
Argonne Rebels - 74.5
Cedar Rapids Cadets - 63.2
Fort Dodge Lancers - 56.8

Keystoners 1962

DCN Aug. 8, 1962 issue

KEYSTONERS senior corps of Milton, Pa., will stage their annual "Cavalcade of Champtions" Aug. 11 at Bucknell Stadium, Lewisburg, Pa. Featured in the 15th renewal of the annual classic will be the V.F.W. and A.L. Sr. champions, the Reading Buccaneers and Hawthorne Caballeros, Baltimore Yankee Rebels, Pittsburgh Rockets, Archer-Epler Musketeers and the Reilly Raiders.