Saturday, November 03, 2007

Military Mass (pic)

Drum Corps News May 26, 1965 issue
(click on images to enlarge / enhance)

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At 5:17 PM, November 03, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Amazing! I had heard about this but now with the picture it really brings it home. I wonder if they were fighting in the parking lot after! ;-)

At 11:37 PM, November 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't even imagine something like this happening today.

Not that there's no longer a "CYO" to have something like this. Not even everyone getting together like this. But getting together in a church for Mass.

Another photographic example of the "Good Ol'Days"?... When the entire Drum Corps activity seems to be just a little more...err I don't know, "something" (IMHO)

And yes Sis, I also thought there might had been some of that "fighting in the parking lot after the show" too...LOL (Definitely a much different time of our activity)

Yours in Corps,
Tony ;-)


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