Thursday, April 05, 2007

Shocked At Starlighters

Drum Corps News - August 5, 1964 issue
(click on images to enlarge / enhance)

Letters To The Editor

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At 5:37 PM, April 09, 2007, Blogger jud said...

Hi Again,

This one was of special interest to me because I was a teacher in Frankfort from 79-81. The Starlighters were long gone even then but often my students would mention that their Mom or Dad was a member. If I recall correctly the guidance counselor was a former Starlighter. Funny though...nobody mentioned this incident to me back then.


At 7:47 PM, April 09, 2007, Blogger NanciD said...

Howdy neighbor!
Gee I wonder why this wasn't mentioned to you. LOL


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