Tuesday, April 18, 2006

St. Catherine's Queensmen (EDP program)

El Cid
Dancing Serenade
Start of Something Big
I Walk With God
Theme from the Apartment
Tin Roof Blues
Manhattan Serenade
Eager Beaver
Exit - Exodus


At 5:23 PM, April 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that photo was taken on the lawn of the St. Albans Naval Hospital. Linden Blvd is in the background. The program must be from the Queensmen's home show at Randall's Island in 1962, my rookie year, and their last on the field. They wailed.

At 5:36 PM, April 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. That particular program is from the '62 Rome Show, evidently. I recall it seemed like it took forever for the corps bus to travel there from Queens. There weren't enough seats, so all rookies had to sit in wooden folding chairs in the aisle. No one would permit this today but, hey, it was the sixties.
I kept falling asleep on the way home and smacking my head on the chair in front. Solo sop Paul Humphries took pity on me and gave me his seat for the last couple of hours. I dozed as Billy Cobham played solos on the back of the headrest. What a trip.

At 6:29 PM, April 19, 2006, Blogger NanciD said...

You could very well be right on the location that the photo was taken. All I know is that it's the photo that the corps submitted for the printing of the Rome - EDP program book.

PS: You should post under your name.. that way, we can initiate you when we see you. (wink, wink) lol

Thank you for posting these great additional tidbits!

At 4:45 PM, April 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an interesting thought, but you're a bit young to initiate me, Nancy.
Thanks for posting these gems from your collection.

At 7:34 PM, August 31, 2011, Anonymous Jack Timmes said...

St. Albans Naval Hospital.
My brother (Jim Timmes) marched with the Queensmen when the picture was taken.

At 9:42 AM, September 28, 2011, Anonymous bob marks said...

that pix was taken at USN hosp in background is linden blvd i have one of it iwas a queensman from 1954 till 1961 Capt Timmes USN sas influential in our use of hosp grounds for pix Bob Marks

At 9:29 PM, December 17, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was so fortunate to have been able to perform with those guys. I have a music career because of the jump start I got at St.Catherine's. To this day I am grateful for that.
Of course, my case is not unique. The legendary progressive jazz drummer, Billy Cobham, was a member of the Queensmen and continues to set standards to this day. (Thank you, Bobby Thompson.) My personal thanks go to the brilliant John Sasso.
There are similar stories emanating from countless drum corps, past and present.
It would be a mistake to think that today,s drum corps performers don't benefit every bit as much as we did.

At 4:21 PM, December 27, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The picture was taken in front of the St. Albans Naval Hospital in 1961.

I am the tenor drummer on the right side of the photo in between Donnie Jenkins and Billy Cobham. ( saw him perform at the Blue Note in 2011).

It was the cover to our 1961 schedule. That year we tied Blessed Sacrament in Jersey City.

Steve Conroy

At 4:26 PM, December 27, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cover photo to 1961 Schedule taken at ST. Albans, Naval Hospital. I am the middle tenor drummer on right side of screen between Billy Cobham & Donnie Jenkins.

At 7:02 AM, December 28, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction. I am to the right of Billy Cobham as you view the picture at St. Albans Naval Hospital.
Again this was the cover to the 1961 Schedule.


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