Thursday, April 20, 2006

Monarchs (CoC program)

The Monarchs Junior Drum Corps of Pittsfield, Mass. one of the newer, up and coming Corps in the New England Area, was organized in 1958 by a group of interested parents. It is a self-supporting, independent group.

Primarily a parade Corps in 1958, 1959, and 1960, the Corps entered marching and maneuvering competition for the first time in 1961. Starting with 20-30 members in 1958, the Corps fielded 54 members in 1961. One of the highlights of the '61 season was an exhibition by the Corps at the "Mardi Gras of Champions" senior contest sponsored by the Interstatesmen. Climaxing a most successful season was a close second place finish in the circuit championship contest with six competing Corps.

The 1962 edition of the Monarchs, representing Post 68, American Legion of Pittsfield, will field a competing Corps consisting of 33 horns and 9 drums under the capable direction of Drum Majors Judy Dion and Dick Ward. The Corps also features an outstanding 17 girl Color Guard commanded by Captains Eline Faucher and Diane Laurin. Musical selections include such popular numbers as "Everything's Coming Up Roses", "My Romance", and "Somebody Stole My Gal".

Corps instructors are: Horns - Ronald "Rock" Ghetti, Drums - Art Nelson, Drill - Conrad Keado. Corps Officials are : Mgr. - R.D. Shirlay, Director - Angelo Avanzato, Asst. Director - William Dunn, Treasurer - Lou D'Ascanio, and Quartermasters John Raymond and Ray Wells.


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