Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ed Rooney's

DCN Sept. 12, 1962 issue

WHEE THE PEOPLE -- When big JACK WERNER (Archie -- ex-St. Joe's) wins he wins BIG - Jackie-boy walked off with a Cadillac at a recent Atlantic City raffle . . . . JAN CANNON (Kevins) and dapper MIKE NOSAL (Garfield's Color Capt.) are the veddy latest coosome twosome . . . VAL KASTON (the guy who put the CAVALIERS on the road) did the tabulating table honors at this yrs "Drum Beauty" ....

Is it true or is it ain't - I mean about BOBBY THOMPSON calling it quits at BLESSED SACRAMENT come autumn-time ... And wotta you think of the bit on SIE LURYE buying a surplus Capital airliner fr his ROYALAIRES (that guy is fabulous)..... Veddy popular corps personality to head-up the coming uniformed groups congress at Indianapolis... Ace twirler HARRY KOHLER's spending the summer instructing at the Florida Baton School.... Color Sgt. KATHY DAVIS (Casper, Wyo. TROOPERS) is a twin to brother KENNY who plays a very mean Bari solo fr that fast-rising unit...

Popular Boston color guard instructor HELEN DELANEY in New Mexico as part of a teacher lend-lease deal... The SCOTTY CHAPPEL-CLIFF FISHER combine working hard to field a champion-calibre PRINCEMEN in '63.... JOYCE DALY (of Garfield's KEMMERER household) is sporting a veddy special gift from a veddy special fwend --- Initials D.M.

Happiest guy in Chicago is DON WARREN who's still on cloud 9 over his Nationals victory... and the cwaziest guy in drum corps is yr ole columnist who has a very cwazy funny to tell you.

TICKLING THE TRIPEWRITER: Did you hear about the guy who bought a Hathaway shirt and 45 minutes later one of his eyes began to bother him? (hehehoho)

DREAMBOAT (Yr fav'rit columnist reports from the DREAM).... YANKEE REBELS very popular with the stands in their 1st "Dream" in yrs and yrs... AUDUBON lovelies looking lovelier in their new and soooooo purty uniforms (and sounding quite lovely as well)...

STET RICHMOND and Fleetwood's DICK BLAKE eyeing each other with friendly wariness from adjoining turn-tables... ARCHIE sporting that BIG and beautiful sound - but could that fast cadence be hurting the drill??... And no doubt that HAWTHORNE was #1 on the applause meter... The OPTIMISTS and DeLaSALLE buried the hatchet and pooled pennies and cars fr the long ride to Dreamsville.... Most spectators thawt the BLESSED SACRAMENT-GARFIELD-KEVINS shows were a toss-up fr the top prize.... the WOODSIDERS exhibition labeled them a corps due fr many happy headlines... Live-wire JOHNNY MYERS cracking a mean whip to get the corps onto the line... RAY SAMORA (the Wm. Randolph Hearst of the drum corps) peddling his wares and making muchos $$$$$ in the $tadium lobby... RALPH SILVERBRAND and his Junior edition were the target of foto-fans all afternoon.... 3 ex-Bostonians among the huge contingent of Nuns on hand - And they made NO bones about root-root-tooting fr the home team...

The ticket line started forming at 8 ayem and wotta scene out of Ben Hur by noontime... REILLY and ARCHIE had their quota of Air Forcemen in line... And that was DCNews editor DICK HENNESSEY doing the photographer bit on the contest sidelines... Golden Knight musicman JIM DAY the most pleased guy (and rightfully so) of the afternoon.... Debonnaire columnist JACK O'BRIEN searching the stands for an item to enchance his DCWorld masterpiece... Judge-prexy CHARLIE NABOR back to his old self and presiding over an excellent slate of judges... And the lucky devils who stayed fr the final unit to leave reeeeeally had a treat -- the YANKEE REBELS "stripper" went thru the COMPLETE bit (and we DO mean complete) ending with a riproaring and veddy patriotic flag (Confederate suh!) waiving finale.... and if you guys in the front row will follow me --- we'll bump and grind on to the next paragraph.

EDDIE's CAROUSEL --- Medics have informed one of drum corps most influential names to stay thirsty or start drawing up his will.... GARFIELD to Canada fr next yrs SCOUTHOUSE 30th Anniv'sry show and vice-versa.... ST. PAUL SCOUTS soooooo proud of their "Seattle World's Fair Flag"... New senior corps slated fr Newark with BALLANTINE Co. as sponsor -- ex-BLESSED SAC men to make up most of the line.... Lakewood AMBASSADORS are upping their horn line to 36 guys.... DUMONT Police Cadets look like a champ in the making -- many bets on them to be the #1 corps in next season's Greater NYork Circuit... FLEETWOOD-DCNews planning a Midwestern standstill (and a Senior CARNEGIE HALL show)... Several LA Chinese corpsmen over to the Culver City Imperials... St. Rose LANCERS live-wire JIM CASEY a good public relations man -- He's been gifting the column writers with his corps new decals... Don't be surprised if you hear of a sudden change of site fr next yrs VFW Nat'ls... REILLY revamping this Fall with new guys invited into the ranks (call Al Baker at DA4-#### in Philly fr details)

TRU CRAWFORD's famed Air Force guys gained many fans in the NEngland area via a flawless show at Rochester, NH.... MICKEY PETRONE hinting a Senior ST. VINNIEs is not too far off... JIM CONDON heading fr Las Vegas to ready fr the big Legion show.... KEVINS to end season in the NY-NJ area via the Sept. 29-30 shows.... And we'll end this column with a reminder that next issue we'll name the winner of our annual "SHOWMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD" - and if you're one of drum corps colorful soloists, majors, etc. etc. -- then -- it may be Y-O-U.


At 6:46 PM, June 18, 2013, Blogger Unknown said...

Ralph Silverbrand and his new junior edition stormed by foto fans ....wonder where all the photos went?


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